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Ethics are the rules of conduct recognized by a particular group, such as medical ethics. The main focus of mental health care code of ethics is to recognize the dignity and worth of an individual seeking assistance.

Counsellors must behave in a professional and ethical manner, and must always consider the best interests of clients, colleagues and society as a whole. Counsellors and clients should work together to create integrated, individual counselling plans.

A code of ethics may deal with such clinical issues as client welfare and rights, confidentiality issues, proper use of testing, and ethical research. Clinical issues may also include anti-discrimination policies and ways of handling multiple clients in the same family. Professional issues include competency, professional relationships, relationships with employees and students, ethical and legal standards, and more.


The importance of ethics in providing mental health services

Mental health professionals must adhere to a code of ethics and develop a keen awareness of ethics because they work with clients who are often fragile and vulnerable.

Learn more about Ontario Shores' Ethical Decision Making

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