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Interested in Becoming a Tour Guide?

A tour guide with a large group of new staff in a sun filled hallway

The role of a volunteer tour guide can be an enjoyable way of learning about Ontario Shores and teaching others about the organization. It allows you to demonstrate volunteerism in your community, to experience new situations and to enhance your knowledge of mental health.

How to Become a Tour Guide

To qualify for the volunteer tour guide position please review the following information.

The commitment of a volunteer tour guide requires:

  1. Time commitment - one to two hours each month from Monday to Friday. On occasion, tours are requested after regular business hours and on weekends.
  2. Training involves a mentoring program. Tour scripts are provided to assist you in familiarizing yourself with the tour circuit. 
  3. Approval - If you are a staff member at Ontario Shores permission is required from your manager to participate since a request for your time must coincide with the operational needs of your area.

The application process involves an interview.

Apply Now

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