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JREB Applications and Forms

Please note that all new study submissions require a fulsome protocol. 

Please note that the JREB no longer requires hard copy submissions. Given policy constraints regarding electronic signatures, instead of e-signing forms, please do one of the following: 

1. Scan signed hard-copy forms with signatures and email them to @email.

2. Attach emails from individuals whose signatures are requested on application forms. These emails should state that the email serves as an indication of approval of the specific forms their approval is required on (please list these in the email). The email should also contain a statement that indicates that the email serves in lieu of a hard-copy signature. 

3. Deliver a hard-copy of the submission with required signatures to the JREB Office (Building 7, Level 2, 7-2029). 

Initial Submissions

1. New Study Submissions (for new Retrospective Chart Review submissions see #2)

Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) Application
Guidelines for Joint Research Ethics Review involving Human Beings

Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form

All studies must have the following form filled: 
Research Commitment Form A (for all non-pharmaceutical studies) 

Pharmaceutical studies must also have pages 3-5 of the following form filled:
Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form B (for all pharmaceutical studies) 

(Please submit completed RIA form(s) with the approval signature from Tim Pauley, Director of Research and Academics.

(To accompany the JREB application)
(To accompany the JREB application)

2. Chart Review Submissions

(Must also submit Privacy tutorial certificates for all study personnel. See the Mandatory tutorials tab)
(To accompany JREB application when requesting internal data from Decision Support).

3. Board of Record Studies (where Ontario Shores JREB has delegated oversight to Ontario Tech)

Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form

All studies must have the following form filled: 
Research Commitment Form A (for all non-pharmaceutical studies) 

Pharmaceutical studies must also have pages 3-5 of the following form filled:
Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form B (for all pharmaceutical studies) 

(Please submit completed RIA form(s) with the approval signature from Tim Pauley, Director of Research and Academics.

Ongoing Review

Amendment Forms (for changes to protocol, consent form(s), study materials, or study personnel):
Annual Review: Form (for continuing a study):
Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Reporting
Protocol Deviations


Study Closure

Final Study Closure (for closing a study):
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