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Local Schools Outreach

The onset of most mental illness occurs during adolescence and young adulthood. Ontario Shores provides education to young people faced with mental illness as well as to students in the community to build awareness about mental health among all young people.

Grove School
Young people receiving treatment for mental illness can benefit from Grove School, a program offered by Ontario Shores to support them in their educational goals throughout the recovery process.

TAMI Program
The TAMI Program, visits schools in the community to speak out about mental illness and engage students in becoming ambassadors for mental health and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Co-op Placements
Student placements are available at Ontario Shores to provide students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a mental health care facility and a foundation to build a career in the field of mental health care.

My Story. My Voice.
Through this service, we aim to match individuals with the desire to share their personal journey in a variety of forums with individuals who would like to learn from the expertise that comes with lived-experience of mental illness. Sharing recovery stories is beneficial for the story teller as it can help make sense of the events that have occurred in their lives and can strengthen emotional resilience and coping capacity. Hearing a recovery story is also beneficial as it can instill hope and challenge stigma.  Learn More...

Concussions and Brain Injury in Youth

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries that can often go unnoticed by young athletes, coaches and parents. Like most injuries, victims think they will heal over time; however, brain injuries can have much stronger affects on individuals. Their impact can be life-altering, especially to an adolescent who is still growing and developing.

Designed for the adult in a young person's life (parent, coach, teacher, etc.)
Designed for youth.


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