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Chelsea Lall

Chelsea Lall is a former Ontario Shores adolescent patient and mental health advocate. Prior to her hospitalization, Chelsea struggled with anxiety and depression. Chelsea spent two years in and out of the local hospital before being admitted to Ontario Shores. Chelsea did not think she would make it past seventeen, she is now twenty-four and thriving. Since her discharge in 2015, Chelsea has made it her personal mandate to give back to the community that helped her. In 2015 she was featured on the cover of Ontario Shores annual report. Since then, she has been featured as a guest on various local news outlets like CBC News and Global News. She had the privilege of speaking at Ontario Shores Imagine Festival and sharing her recovery story.

Chelsea recently graduated from Trent University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Chelsea is presently a graduate student pursing a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology. Chelsea hopes to use her degree to work with adolescents who struggle with mental illnesses. She wishes to help youth the way the staff at Ontario Shores helped her. Chelsea currently works for a local community organization as an Intake and Care Navigator and works part-time as a Child and Youth Worker. She is excited by the opportunities that recovery has presented her with.