COVID-19:  Screening, updates and safety protocols: 

Our Mission, Vision and Values


We provide leadership and exemplary mental health care through specialized treatment, research, education and advocacy.


Our vision is bold and transforming. Ontario Shores is recognized by many as having an approach to mental health care and unique services that are focused on recovery, hope and inspiration through discovery.

Recovering Best Health - Our specialized care focuses on individual paths to recovery and mental wellness. Our highly skilled staff are leaders in promoting optimum well-being. Our comprehensive services and innovative practices are integrated with our community partners.

Nurturing Hope - Our advocacy with the community eliminates the stigma of mental illness. Our commitment to care extends beyond the scope of client recovery to educating and informing our families and communities. We proudly embrace diversity and offer individualized care.

Revolutionizing Care - We have a global impact on the way in which mental health care is delivered. We lead system innovation with our partners to transform care. Our use of real-time data, research, analytics and measurement drive the highest standard of care.

Core Values

We aim for Excellence - through leadership and learning, we achieve exceptional performance in all we do, while fostering an environment of optimism, hope and recovery.

We encourage Innovation - through research and creative approaches, we support the advancement of mental health care.

We value Safety - we provide a safe and healing environment for our clients and a sense of security for our patients' families, our employees and the community at large.

We Respect all individuals - encouraging diversity and treating everyone with dignity, while embracing the rights, beliefs, opinions and contributions of others.

We are a Community - we work together as one team, and with families, providers and the public as our partners, while maintaining mutual trust, transparency and shared purpose to enhance our patients' quality of life.

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