COVID-19:  Screening, updates and safety protocols: 

Patient Advisory and Recovery Committee (PARC)

Ontario Shores launched Patient Council in 1991 and it has evolved to what is now known as the Patient Advisory and Recovery Committee (PARC).  It consists of broad volunteer representation of both inpatients and outpatients.

Working in partnership with Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores), PARC supports and empowers patients in their recovery in alignment with Ontario Shores’ Mission, Vision and Values by facilitating the patient perspective in advancing care and service delivery for patients of Ontario Shores.

Patients participating in PARC provide input on hospital policies and procedures, and opportunities to advance patient-centred care and recovery-oriented practice in all services provided at Ontario Shores.

They participate in quality improvement initiatives at Ontario Shores and are asked to help identify areas of discussion and opportunities for improvement, to be brought forward to Ontario Shores leadership via the Co-Chairs. 

Finally, they provide representation of patients on key task groups and committees across the organization and patients on PARC support patient events, engagement, and activities at Ontario Shores.  They also partner from time to time with Family Council on shared activities and initiatives.

For more information about PARC, please contact Volunteer Services at @email.

Interested in Joining PARC?

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