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Adolescent Eating Disorder Day Treatment

The Adolescent Eating Disorder Day Treatment (AEDDT) Program at Ontario Shores is a 16-week live-at-home eating disorders program which serves a maximum of 8 adolescents at a time. The program will run from Monday to Friday each week. Our program works closely with community providers to ensure continuity of care.

There are no geographic limitations to who our program can accept, provided families and patients are able to commute to Ontario Shores for treatment daily.

We work with adolescents and their families/caregivers to provide an individualized treatment approach that considers the unique needs and goals for recovery; while holding to program guidelines and our vision of Recovering Best Health, Nurturing Hope, and Inspiring Discovery.

This program is designed to help affected adolescents progress toward full recovery from the eating disorder, preventing the need for hospitalization.

Our programming includes evidence-based individual, group, and family therapy. There are also recreation and community reintegration programs scheduled regularly. Group programming on the AEDDT may change to reflect the needs of the teens. Groups may include, but are not limited to: life and social skills, nutrition education, DBT skills, and self compassion. 

Our Team

  • Adolescent Psychiatrist
  • Child and Youth Counselors
  • Social Workers and Psychotherapist
  • Registered Dietitian, Dietary Aide and Pediatricians
  • Registered Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses
  • Durham District School Board
  • School Teacher and Administration
  • Recreation Therapist
  • Clinical Manager

Ages 12-17

Inclusion Criteria
  • The client must be between 12 years of age and 17 years of age. The patient can only be admitted to the program at least four months prior to their 18th birthday
  • Referring health care provider/agency and Primary Care Provider is able to commit to provide appropriate follow-up after the teen has completed the Ontario Shores day treatment program. Referring team will sign a repatriation agreement that is attached to the referral
Exclusion Criteria
  • Patients and family are without a clear commitment to treatment, have goals of treatment, and wanting to attend
  • Involuntary and/or Incapable
  • Active Self Harm (e.g., cutting, scratching, picking, or etc.) or recent hospitalisation for such
  • Active Suicidal Ideation with or without plan and intent or recent hospitalisation for such
  • Suicidal Ideation/ Self Harm psychiatric admissions within the last 3 months
  • Referral sources not agreeing to provide follow up services within 7 days of discharge from Ontario Shores. Please see Discharge Service Agreement attached, sign and send with the referral
  • Those diagnosed with Binge eating disorder
  • Significant symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Not consuming all nutrition orally in solid food with willing to increase consumption and integration of fear foods
  • Not ready and/ or willing to participate in active meal support at a table with peer group and day treatment staff
  • Has been treated with an NG within the past 3 months
  • Patient is cognitively/ developmentally impaired and not able to participant in treatment
Service Access
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