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Jennifer Madore

Jennifer Madore
Nurse Practitioner- Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, Anxiety and Mood Disorder Clinic, Prompt Clinic

Tel: 905-430-4055 x6963
Email: @email

Completed a Master of Science in Nursing at York University in Toronto, Ontario. Nurse practitioner practicing clinically at Ontario Shores in the Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, Anxiety and Mood Disorders Clinic, and Prompt Clinic.

Research Practice Areas

Transgender and gender non-conforming mental health care for transitional aged youth

Areas of Research

Exploring the experiences and unmet needs for transgender or gender non-conforming (TGNC) transitional aged youth in an outpatient mental health clinic

Research Team Collaborators

Erin Ziegler PhD, NP-PHC, Ryerson University
Mellanie Kant, NP-PHC, Carea Community Health Centre
Dr. Julie James, PhD, Ryerson University